Author: Brian Gardner

Mexican food

Salsa Roja

Once the snows and cold leave, and Spring warms towards May, I start thinking about fresh tacos. Tacos with pollo asado, thin slices of chicken marinated for hours and grilled, are a regular feature, along with barbacoa, which is pulled beef simmered for hours, and even ground beef sauteed with tomato paste and spices. Summer […]


Easy Homemade Ranch Dressing

If you live in the Midwest, nothing is more ubiquitous than ranch dressing. Folks in Ohio where I live put it on anything. I won’t bore you with the history of ranch dressing, or talk about the first time I made it from a Hidden Valley packet in 1977. I want to tell you why […]

Easy Dinners

Sauerkraut Swedish Meatballs

Not everything is about Sichuan food; sometimes you just gotta make dinner. One thing I really enjoy as a cook is finding ways to use things that are in my refrigerator. Case in point: tonight I had some ground beef that needed to get used, some ground pork, and a bag of sauerkraut left over […]

Easy Dinners

Creamy Turmeric Chicken Soup

You don’t want to hear my life story, but sometime last winter I had a cold, my wife had a cold, just about everybody had a cold. I had a couple of pounds of Amish-raised chicken and decided that a chicken soup would be the perfect tonic for our sniffling. My next thought was, “why […]